During my tenure at, I served as a key member of the UX design team, focusing on enhancing the 'Connected Trip' experience for millions of users worldwide.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2018 - 2021
UX Designer


During my tenure at, I served as a key member of the UX design team, focusing on enhancing the 'Connected Trip' experience for millions of users worldwide. My portfolio of projects included initiatives such as the Free Airport Taxi service and the Flight Cashback.

My role required me to use my design expertise to streamline complicated travel processes, transforming them into seamless, enjoyable experiences. For the Free Airport Taxi service, I devised an intuitive UX strategy that simplified complex logistics, helping travelers enjoy a hassle-free transition from the plane to their accommodation. This project was instrumental in elevating user satisfaction and boosting platform engagement.

Similarly, I applied my design thinking to the Flight Cashback system, creating an efficient and gratifying user journey that made the often-confusing process of claiming cashback straightforward and accessible. The solution I designed played a significant role in increasing customer loyalty and driving repeat business.

These experiences at honed my skills in delivering effective and impactful UX solutions for large-scale, global products. They demonstrate my ability to deeply understand user needs, conceptualize transformative designs, and collaborate effectively with various teams to bring these designs to life.

What I did

While at, I made significant contributions as part of the Connected Trip Experience team. My work encompassed a diverse range of projects, including:

  • Flight Cashback Initiative: I designed a promotional framework that rewards customers who book both accommodation and flights on the platform with cashback. This involved extensive research, design iteration, and user testing to ensure a rewarding and seamless experience for our users.
  • Free Airport Taxi Service: I spearheaded the UX design for a service offering free airport pickups to customers booking accommodations in select countries. This required the creation of an intuitive and user-friendly booking process that added value to the customer journey and enhanced overall user satisfaction.
  • WebDirect Software Design: I was instrumental in designing WebDirect, a software solution that enables hotel managers to launch and manage their own websites. This project required a deep understanding of hotel manager needs and expectations, and translating them into a user-friendly interface that streamlined website creation and management.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Worked in close coordination with cross-functional teams including product managers, software developers, and marketing professionals, ensuring that our UX designs were technically feasible and in alignment with broader business goals.
  • User Research and Testing: Conducted extensive user research and usability testing throughout the design process, gathering vital insights that informed design decisions and helped to continually optimize the user experience.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly iterated and refined design solutions based on user feedback and data-driven insights, ensuring that our products remained relevant, engaging, and user-centric.
  • End-to-End UX Design: Led the end-to-end UX design process, from initial research and ideation, through to prototyping, user testing, and final implementation. This comprehensive approach ensured a seamless and cohesive user experience across all projects.

These projects at demonstrate my commitment to user-centered design, my ability to work effectively on diverse initiatives, and my skills in creating impactful and engaging user experiences.

The outcomeS

The impact of my work at has been significant, with a range of successful outcomes that highlight the value of thoughtful, user-centered design:

  • Successful Promotions and Increased Bookings: The Flight Cashback initiative led to a surge in customers booking both accommodation and flights together. This not only increased overall bookings but also enhanced customer loyalty and satisfaction. Similarly, the Free Airport Taxi service added value for customers, fostering a more positive overall booking experience.
  • User-Centric Software Solution: The development and launch of the WebDirect software provided hotel managers with an intuitive tool to launch and manage their own websites. This not only empowered our partners but also expanded's service offerings.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: By focusing on creating seamless, intuitive user experiences, my work contributed to increased customer satisfaction. This was evidenced by positive user feedback and an increase in repeat bookings.
  • Valuable User Insights: The extensive user research conducted provided valuable insights into our customers' needs and preferences. These insights informed design decisions and strategic directions, ensuring our services remained relevant and user-centric.
  • Improved Cross-Functional Collaboration: My collaborative approach fostered stronger relationships between design, product management, development, and marketing teams. This cross-functional collaboration contributed to the successful implementation of our UX designs.
  • Business Growth: The successful completion of these projects contributed to the growth of, enhancing its reputation as a leader in the online travel industry. These initiatives increased user engagement and conversions, leading to business expansion.
  • Continual Improvement: By integrating user feedback and data-driven insights into the design process, I ensured our products and services continually evolved and improved. This commitment to iterative design has kept at the forefront of user experience in the travel industry.

Overall, my work at demonstrates my ability to deliver impactful results through user-centered design, contributing to both user satisfaction and business success.

Want to learn more about MY career journey & HOW WE CAN WORK TOGETHER?

John's enthusiasm is infectious. John led a number of Design team initiatives (workshops) and sought opportunities for cross-over between Connected Trip and Flight business unit. In 2022, I observed John's ability to deliver results, and at pace. He insists on high standards with all output (demonstrated by his output), and has earned trust within Insurance and Design teams.


Senior UX Manager